Recording of Jeffrey Lependorf’s lecture on John Ashbery’s Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror . 10 February 2020. Sorbonne U.

00:00:15 Introduction, Clément Oudart, Sorbonne Université
00:02:20 Lecture, Jeffrey Lependorf
01:01:00 Coda – Q&A Session

THE REFLECTION ONCE REMOVED: Looking and Seeing Through John Ashbery’s Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror

Evénement organisé par le groupe Poets & Critics (UPEM) et l’axe de recherche Poetry Beyond (VALE) avec le soutien de l’Institut Universitaire de France. 

Jeffrey Lependorf, an accomplished musician, composer, visual artist and nonprofit arts professional, serves as Executive Director of The Flow Chart Foundation (, an organization dedicated to exploring the interrelationships of various art forms as guided by the legacy of poet John Ashbery. He currently also serves as Executive Director of Small Press Distribution, a nonprofit literary book distributor, and directs the Art Omi: Music International Musicians Residency, a program he created to foster international artistic collaboration. He received his undergraduate degree from Oberlin Conservatory, and his masters and doctorate degrees from Columbia University, where he taught for a number of years.