“North American Poetry 2000-2020/2: Poetics, Aesthetics, Politics.” Conference, 29 June-2 July 2022, Paris.

From Wednesday 29 June to Friday 1 July, the conference will be held at Institut Universitaire de France. On Saturday 2 July, the conference will be held at Université Paris Cité.

To attend the conference at the Institut Universitaire de France, located in the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, ONLINE REGISTRATION is REQUIRED. Please register by Friday 24 June HERE


Wednesday 29 June – Friday 1 July

Institut Universitaire de France

Amphithéâtre Gay Lussac

25 rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève

75005 Paris  

Wednesday 29 June

Institut Universitaire de France, Amphithéâtre Gay Lussac, 25 rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève, 75005 Paris

1:30 pm Coffee & Welcome address

2-3:30 pm Panel 1: National, Transnational, Moderator: Michel Delville
1. Elizabeth Brunazzi, scholar, editor, with Charlot Lucien, storyteller, poet and visual art artist, “Contemporary Haitian Performance Poetry in and around New York, Boston, the San Francisco Bay Area and Montréal”
2. Zoë Skoulding, Bangor University, “Cross-border Ecologies of Translation”
3. Aurore Clavier, Université de Lille, “Place, Site, Nation : Joy Harjo and the multiscalar poetics of ‘Living Nations, Living Words'”

3:30-4 pm Coffee Break

4-5:30 pm Panel 2:  Renewed Ecopoetics Constellations, Moderator: Jennifer Scappettone
1. Evelyn Reilly, poet, critic, “Lucretius, Extinction Rebellion, and the Poetics of Love and Rage”
2. Marta Werbanowska, University of Vienna, “African American Ecopoetics and Black Atlantic Ecological Thinking”
3. Joshua Schuster, Western University, Canada, “After the Last Avant-Gardes: Environmental Poetics as Extreme Writing”


7:30pm, Opening Reading

Atelier Michael Woolworth, 2 rue de la Roquette, 75011 Paris :

Srikanth (Chicu) Reddy, Lisa Robertson 


Thursday 30 June

Institut Universitaire de France, Amphithéâtre Gay Lussac, 25 rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève, 75005 Paris

9:15 Coffee

9:30-10:30 am Panel 3 Rethinking Montage
, Moderator: Lacy Rumsey
1. Michel Delville, University of Liège, “Erasurist Poetics and Politics in North-America: 1998-2016”
2. Steven Zultanski, poet, critic, “Genre and Process in the Poetry of Tan Lin”

10:30-11 am Coffee Break

11 am-12:30 pm Panel 4 Documentary Poetics, Moderator: Hélène Aji
1. William Dow, University Gustave Eiffel, “Metabolizing Genres: American Poetry and Literary Journalism”
2. Naomi Toth, University Paris Nanterre, “Poetic justice? Appropriating legal documents in contemporary North American poetry”
3. Martin Glaz Serup, University of Copenhagen, “To appellant, every woman is a bitch – a reading of Vanessa Place’ Statement of Facts.”


2-3 pm Panel 5 Queer & Feminist Interventions, Moderator: Lisa Robertson
1. Claire Finch, University Paris 8, “Kathy Acker’s Cuntemporary – feminism, fuck you’s, and avant-garde literary technologies”
2. Héloïse Thomas, University Bordeaux-Montaigne, “‘It’s a poem I memorized to stay alive when everything in me screamed otherwise’: Poetry, Form, and Liberation in the 21st Century”

3-3:30 pm Coffee Break

3:30-4:30 pm Panel 6.1 The Poetics of Care and Health, Moderator: Daniel Katz
1. Toni R. Juncosa, University of Barcelona, “‘Every day is a funeral and a miracle:’ Danez Smith’s Poetry, HIV, and 21st-Century Elegiac Genre”

Friday 1 July 

Institut Universitaire de France, Amphithéâtre Gay Lussac, 25 rue de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève, 75005 Paris

9:15 Coffee

9:30-11 am Panel 7 Anthologies, Race, and Identities
, Moderator: Olivier Brossard
1. Maria Manning, University College Cork, “‘This anthology is meant to expand the idea of who a poet is and what a poem is for’: Identity and Action in Breakbeat Poetry”
2. Samantha Majhor, Marquette University, “Indigenous Rising: Native Voices in the 21st Century North American Poetic Landscape”
3. Patrick Durgin, Art Institute of Chicago, “Xenophobia, Cosmopolitanism, Our Heuristic Conditions”

11-11:30 am Coffee Break

11:30 am-1 pm Panel 8 Xenoglossia, Accents, and Polyvocality, Moderator: Zoë Skoulding
1. Jennifer Scappettone, University of Chicago, Visiting Professor, Université Gustave Eiffel, “Glottal Stop: Xenoglossic Breathing and Poetic Transmutations of the Mother Tongue”
2. Andrew Eastman, Université de Strasbourg, “Listening with the body: poetics of accent in the work of Cathy Park Hong”
3. Shiv Kotecha, New York University / Rhode Island School of Design, “Side Kicks: Not White Fabulation in White Poetry”


2:30-4 pm Panel 9 Digital Poetics and Mixed Media, Moderator: Martin Glaz Serup
1. Alessandro De Francesco, Turin Academy of Fine Arts, Bern Academy of the Arts, and Danny Snelson,  University of California, Los Angeles, “Immersive Poetry and VR Poetics”
2. Joe Milutis, University of Washington-Bothell, “Attack of the Vernacular: Internet Poetics, Platforms, Pedagogy”
3. Zsófia Szatmári, Université Paris 8 / Eötvös Loránd University, “Abigail Child’s ‘Foreign’ Poems”

4-4:30 pm Coffee Break

4:30-6 pm Panel 10 The Politics of Teaching, Moderator: Vincent Broqua
1. Hélène Aji, Ecole normale supérieure, “Modernist Hangover : Bob Perelman, ‘poet, teacher and critic'”
2. Chloé Thomas, Université d’Angers, “Revisiting the poetry workshop”
3. Michael Barnholden, poet, artist, scholar, “The Kootenay School of Writing: A political intervention more than anything else”

7:30 pm, Collective Poetry Reading,

Michael Barnholden, Alessandro De Francesco, Patrick Durgin, Claire Finch, Toni R. Juncosa, Shiv Kotecha, Charlot Lucien, Joe Milutis, Evelyn Reilly, Jennifer Scappettone, Sophie Seita, Martin Glaz Serup, Zoë Skoulding, Danny Snelson et Steve Zultanski

Maison de la poésie de Paris, 157 Rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris 


Saturday 2 July

Université Paris Cité

Salle des thèses 580F

Bâtiment Halle aux Farines

10, 16 rue Françoise Dolto 75013 Paris

9, 15 esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet 75013 Paris  

La salle des thèses se situe au 5e étage de la Halle aux Farines (Hall F, accès par le Hall E, allée paire, ascenseur F, Salle 580). Vous pouvez y accéder par le 10, rue Françoise Dolto ou par le 9, Esplanade Vidal-Naquet.

The Salle des thèses is located on the 5th floor of the Halle aux Farines (Hall F, access by Hall E, allée paire, elevator F, Room 580). You can access the building at 10, rue Françoise Dolto or 9, Esplanade Vidal-Naquet.

10:30 am Coffee

11 am-12:30 pm Panel 11 Listening to Poetry, Moderator : Abigail Lang
1. Alexander Bell, University of East Anglia, “Lisa Robertson’s Prosody”
2. Lacy Rumsey, Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, “Directions and Limits in Twenty-First Century Prosody”
3. Sophie Seita, artist, writer, researcher, “Poetry Live: A Playlist”


2-2:30 pm Panel 6.2 The Poetics of Care and Health, Moderator: Vincent Broqua
1. Adam Clay, University of la Rochelle, “Politics and aesthetics of care in Brandy Nalani McDougall’s poems”

2:30-4 pm Panel 12 Poetics of Address, Moderator: Xavier Kalck

1. Paulina Ambroży, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, “The Unfindable Self and Poem-as-Habitat in Evelyn Reilley’s Echolocation and a. rawlings’ Wide Slumber for Lepidopterists”
2. Andrew Gorin, New York University, “Lyric Noise: The Phatic Subject of Poetry in the Mass Public Sphere”
3. Daniel Katz, University of Warwick, “‘These Feelings of Futurelessness’: Peter Gizzi’s Now It’s Dark


Colloque organisé avec le soutien de l’Institut Universitaire de France, des laboratoires LISAA EA 4120 de l’Université Gustave Eiffel, LARCA UMR8225 de l’Université Paris Cité, et TransCrit de l’Université Paris 8. Avec le soutien de l’association double change, de l’atelier Michael Woolworth et de la Maison de la Poésie de Paris.


This is the closing conference of a 5-year research program on the history of US poetry and poetics, in relation with the Poets and Critics program in Paris.

What has been happening on the US poetry scene over the past twenty years? According to what criteria and principles can the field of US poetry be read today? In the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, the scene was structured and defined by poetic, aesthetic, and political tensions: is this still the case today? Or should it be approached differently, by inventing new categories? How is poetry as a genre defined today, and particularly in relation to other genres, and other forms of art? How have the internet and digitization changed the production and distribution of poetry? Who or what authorities legitimize poetry? What relationships do poets develop with institutions? With academia? How is poetry taught? How does poetry redefine the uses of language? How does it incorporate languages other than English? How important is translation in North American poetry today? What privileged connections are being established between the poetry of the United States and the poetries of other countries, especially its North American neighbors (whether the Caribbean, Central America, or Canada)? Are the local and regional poetry scenes as active as in the 1960s? Or do poets tend to associate on a larger scale based on professed identities? How do gender, race, and class call for and enact redefinitions of the poetic spectrum? What are the sociological specificities of North American poetry today? What are the preferred forms for poetics and the critique of poetry? What forms does formal exploration assume?

The ambition of this conference is to explore the field of contemporary poetry in North America over the past twenty years and to identify the relevant notions and concepts that will allow us to map its current configurations. We invite papers which focus on English-language poetry as well as bilingual or multilingual works including English as one of their languages. We welcome submissions that question and recontextualize the term “North American.” We are particularly interested in groups, poets, and works that stem from the modernist and experimental traditions even as they may question and overturn this legacy. We also invite submissions focusing on poems and poetics, groups and distribution networks, the geography and sociology of North American poetry, with the hope that they will contribute to sketching a recent history of North American poetry.

Proposals for papers (English only) should include a brief abstract (300 words) and a short biographical note and be addressed to northamericanpoetry2020@gmail.com by January 8, 2021.

2022 Calendar & upcoming events


Inaugural meeting of the Network for New York School Studies (NNYSS), Wednesday 20 April 2022, Université Gustave Eiffel : Program

Poets and Critics Symposium 2022 : Alice Notley, Thursday 21 and Friday 22 April, Université Gustave Eiffel

>> Lunch registration April 20-22, 2022 (please register by April 8)


“North American Poetry 2000-2020/2: Poetics, Aesthetics, Politics.” Conference, 29 June-2 July 2022, Paris

FALL 2022

International Conference T. S. Eliot in translation Paris, October 13-15, 2022, new deadline 30 April 2022, organized by Antoine Cazé and Pascale-Marie Deschamps (Université de Paris), new deadline 30 April 2022

W. S. Merwin Across Borders, Université de Paris/ ENS Ulm, Octobre 20-21, 2022, organized by Thomas Dutoit (Université de Lille) et Cécile Roudeau (Université de Paris), new deadline 15 April 15 2022



From The Flow Chart Foundation:

Call for Presentations

On the 60th anniversary of the publication of Ashbery’s The Tennis Court Oath, and what would have been Ashbery’s 95 birthday, The Flow Chart Foundation will be hosting an inaugural Gathering at its Ashbery Resource Center and Flow Chart Space (348 Warren Street, Hudson, NY 12534—see below for more information about Hudson). We will take a new look at The Tennis Court Oath, and at how Ashbery at 95 continues to inspire, confound, and entrance. How might Ashbery’s work continue to be relevant and inspirational in this moment and beyond?

The Gathering will take place on Sunday, July 31, 2022, pandemic-permitting, following The Flow Chart Foundation’s annual “Night of Neo-Benshi (click to see last year’s event) at Hudson Hall opera house, located across the street and taking place the evening of July 30th.

We invite poets, writers, scholars, artists, performers, and readers to submit proposals for presentations of any kind about, in response to, or in dialogue with The Tennis Court Oath and/or Ashbery’s work now and going forward. One may propose presentations for either or both. These may include papers, performances, readings, or showings, and should be conceived to be approximately five – ten minutes in length.

Submit proposals HERE.

DEADLINE: April 15, 2022 (all will be notified by May 15th)

Bibliography of Critical Writings on Alice Notley’s work

Bibliography in progress – if you wish to add / submit a title or titles, please email or use form below.


Arterian, Diana. “‘Spirit Flows From Pieces’: Alice Notley’s Collage Art.” The Poetry Foundation website. Originally Published: August 30th, 2019.

Bendall, Molly, and Alice Notley. The Antioch Review, vol. 55, no. 2, 1997, pp. 247–248.

Bloch, Julia. “Alice Notley’s Descent: Modernist Genealogies and Gendered Literary Inheritance.” Journal of Modern Literature, vol. 35, no. 3, 2012, pp. 1–24.

Dubois, Page. “‘An Especially Peculiar Undertaking’: Alice Notley’s Epic.” Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, vol. 12, no. 2, 2001, pp. 86–97.

DuCharme, Mark. “Interview: Alice Notley.” Onthebus, vol. 4–5, no. 2–1 [10–11], 1992, pp. 284–95.

Foster, Edward. “An Interview with Alice Notley.” Talisman: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, vol. 1, 1988, pp. 14–35.

Foster, Edward. “An Interview with Alice Notley.” Talisman: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, vol. 23–26, 2001, pp. 526–35.

Hinton, Laura. “Down in the Dump: The Abject in Alice Notley’s Culture of One.” Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, vol. 3, no. 1, June 2019, pp. 127–37.

Hix, H. L. “Alice Notley’s Mythic Descent/Dissent.” Interlitteraria, vol. 13, no. 2, 2008, pp. 329–43.

Irwin, Mark. “Machine’s Corpse: Within the City’s Body.” Denver Quarterly, vol. 32, no. 1–2, 1997, pp. 125–33.

Johnson, Eleanor. “Critical Poetics: A Meditation on Alternative Critical Vernaculars.” Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies, vol. 6, no. 4, 2015, pp. 375–84.

Keelan, Claudia, and Alice Notley. “A Conversation: September 2002-December 2003.” The American Poetry Review, vol. 33, no. 3, May 2004, pp. 15–19.

Keelan, Claudia. “I Find Out Everything I Believe Through Writing: An Interview with Alice Notley.” Quo Anima: Spirituality and Innovation in Contemporary Women’s Poetry, edited by Jennifer Phelps and Elizabeth Robinson, University of Akron Press, 2019, pp. 58–75.

Lamm, Kimberly. “On Alice Notley’s In the Pines.” Talisman: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, vol. 36–37, 2008, pp. 23–27.

Lipkin, Elline. “Resist, Reframe, Insist: Alice Notley’s Poetics of Inclusion.” North American Women Poets in the 21st Century: Beyond Lyric and Language, edited by Lisa Sewell and Kazim Ali, Wesleyan University Press, 2020, pp. 108–28.

Macari, Anne Marie. “I Invented the Arts to Stay Alive: ‘Alice Notley’s’ Culture of One.” The American Poetry Review, vol. 42, no. 3, 2013, pp. 42–43.

Mccabe, Susan. “Alice Notley’s Epic Entry: ‘An Ecstasy of Finding Another Way of Being.’” The Antioch Review, vol. 56, no. 3, 1998, pp. 273–280.

McCabe, Susan. “Alice Notley’s Experimental Epic: ‘An Ecstacy of Finding Another Way of Being.’” We Who Love to Be Astonished: Experimental Women’s Writing and Performance Poetics, edited by Laura Hinton et al., University of Alabama Press, 2002, pp. 41–53.

Nelson, Maggie. “Dear Dark Continent: Alice Notley’s Disobediences.” Women, the New York School, and Other True Abstractions, University of Iowa Press, 2007.

Notley, Alice, and Robert Dewhurst. “Alice Notley.” Bomb, no. 133, 2015, pp. 96–102.

Notley, Alice. “Doublings.” The Grand Permission: New Writings on Poetics and Motherhood, edited by Patricia Dienstfrey et al., Wesleyan University Press, 2003, pp. 137–43.

David Reckford. “Interview of Alice Notley”Transatlantica [En ligne], 1 | 2019, mis en ligne le 01 juin 2020, consulté le 19 avril 2022URL : http://journals.openedition.org/transatlantica/13862 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/transatlantica.13862

Robbins, Amy. “Alice Notley’s Post-Confessional I: Toward a Poetics of Postmodern Witness.” Pacific Coast Philology, vol. 41, 2006, pp. 76–90.

Roman, Christopher. “The Owl of the System: Alice Notley’s Queer Poetics in The Descent of Alette.” Postmedieval: A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, 2015, pp. 211–23.

Sadoff, Ira. “Inside/Out.” The American Poetry Review, vol. 29, no. 2, Mar. 2000, pp. 9–12.

Scalapino, Leslie. “Pattern-and the ‘Simulacral.’” Artifice and Indeterminacy: An Anthology of New Poetics, edited by Christopher Beach, University of Alabama Press, 1998, pp. 130–39.

Selinger, Eric Murphy. “That Awkward Glance.” Parnassus: Poetry in Review, vol. 21, no. 1–2, 1995, pp. 298–324.

Shamma, Yasmine. Spatial Poetics: Second Generation New York School Poetry. Oxford University Press, 2018.

Sikelianos, Eleni. “Eleni Sikelianos on Alice Notley.” Women Poets on Mentorship: Efforts and Affections, edited by Arielle Greenberg and Rachel Zucker, University of Iowa Press, 2008, pp. 217–27.

Skoulding, Zoë. “Alice Notley’s Disobedient Cities.” Feminist Review, no. 96, 2010, pp. 89–105.

Sturm, Nick. “‘I make these collages and write.’ Alice Notley’s Visual Art.” Jacket 2, December 22, 2020.

Sturm, Nick. “Unceasing Museums: Alice Notley’s ‘Modern Americans in Their Place at Chicago Art Institute.'” ASAP Journal, March 12, 2019. [Includes Alice Notley’s republished 1975 essay]

Zultanski, Steven. Thirty-odd Functions of Voice in the Poetry of Alice Notley. New York: Ugly Duckling Presse, 2020.

Zurawski, Magdalena. “Marxism for Single Mothers: Anne Boyer’s Garments against Women.” Polish Journal for American Studies: Yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 359–63.
