Poets and Critics Symposium: Erin Mouré, Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 April 2025

© Karis Shearer

The next Poets and Critics Symposium will be devoted to the work of Erin Mouré.

Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 April, 2025.

Université Paris Cité, Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, 8 rue Albert Einstein, 75013 Paris 9:45 am-5 pm, room OdG 830 (8th floor of the Olympe de Gouges Building)


image doigt petit

How  to get there?

For detailed instructions and directions, click HERE.


double change Poetry reading with Erin Mouré

Monday 28 April, 7pm

atelier Michael Woolworth,  2 rue de la Roquette, Passage du Cheval Blanc, Cour Février,  75011 Paris M° Bastille.  How to get there? For detailed instructions and directions, click HERE.

Thus far, we have focused on the writer’s own (creative and critical) work on the first day of the P&C symposiums and on broader issues of poetics and practice-based criticism on the second day. But there’s no specific preconceived program for the 2 days of the symposium: as the previous sessions of the program have shown, it seems important to let the conversation take its own course.

Please note that the morning session of the first day is devoted to preparing the conversation with Erin Mouré which will take place during the afternoon session and the second day.

Erin Mouré will be joining the group at 2pm on Monday 28 April.

As usual, we intend to address all aspects of our guest’s work.

Please feel free to make suggestions as to particular books that you would like to discuss during the symposium.

Our Monday afternoon session with Erin Mouré should end by 6 pm, which will leave ample time for everybody to get to the poetry reading.
